Defence Minister Rajnath Singh interacted with the Indian diaspora in Nigeria, at an event organised by the Indian High Commission in Abuja on 29th May 2023. The event witnessed presence of Indian community not just from Abuja, but also from other cities of Nigeria like Lagos.
The minister spoke about India's rising stature at world stage owing to its fast-expanding economy and progressive government actions. There was an outpouring of jubilation within the community members as the defence minister highlighted the growing stature of the Indian diaspora abroad. He commended the valuable contributions made by the Indian community in Nigeria and expressed confidence that they will continue to keep the Indian flag flying high.
The minister also spoke on length about the New India's focus on ‘Aatmanirbharta’ and the significant progress that has been made in the field of defence and defence exports in recent years towards achieving the goal of ‘Make in India, Make for the World’. He also commended the capabilities and efforts of the Armed Forces in effectively countering any threat or challenge from adversaries.
The Raksha Mantri also held discussions with esteemed Nigerian officials, including the Chief Justice and the Acting Minister of Defence, during a dinner organized by the Indian High Commissioner. Rajnath Singh's visit to Abuja also coincided with the inauguration of Mr Bola Tinubu as the President of Nigeria.
Notably, Nigeria accommodates a vibrant Indian community of over 50,000 individuals. Furthermore, Indian-owned and operated enterprises stand as prominent employers within Nigeria, making significant contributions to its workforce.
India and Nigeria share a robust and multifaceted relationship that spans across various domains. Diplomatic ties between the two countries have steadily strengthened over the years, paving way for mutual cooperation and collaboration. India has also emerged as one of Nigeria's top trading partners, particularly in sectors like oil and gas, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and information technology. Cultural exchanges and people-to-people contacts further deepen the relations between the two nations, as Nigeria is home to a good chunk of Indian diaspora. Moreover, India has been actively involved in developmental projects in Nigeria, providing assistance in areas such as infrastructure, healthcare, education, and capacity building. As strategic partners, India and Nigeria continue to work together towards fostering greater regional stability and prosperity in Africa too.