The Khelo India Winter Games 2025 commenced today at the NDS Stadium in Leh, Ladakh. The event, hosted in two phases, will see the first phase in Ladakh from January 23 to January 27, followed by snow games in Jammu and Kashmir from February 22 to February 25.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi conveyed his support and described the Games as a platform to enhance sporting culture and tourism in India. He highlighted the government’s initiatives to develop sports infrastructure in Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir, including Khelo India Centers and a State Center of Excellence in Leh.
“Best wishes to all the athletes participating in the 5th Khelo India Winter Games 2025! I am sure this tournament will encourage upcoming talent. May the games also be a celebration of sportsman spirit,” he said in a post on X.
The first events of the Games, ice hockey matches, began at the NDS Stadium and the Ladakh Scouts Regimental Center. A total of 594 participants, including 428 athletes, are competing in the Ladakh leg of the Games. Nineteen teams, including state and Union Territory contingents and institutional teams, such as the Army and ITBP, are participating.
Since its inception in 2020, the Khelo India Winter Games have aimed to identify athletic talent and promote tourism through sports. The fifth edition includes two ice and four snow disciplines across Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir.
For additional details and medal standings, visit the official KIWG 2025 website (