Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate and lay the foundation stone for a series of transformative development projects worth over ₹12,200 crore in Delhi on Sunday. The events will commence at 12:15 PM, following his ride on the Namo Bharat Train at 11:15 AM from Sahibabad RRTS Station to New Ashok Nagar RRTS Station.
A major highlight of the day will be the inauguration of a 13-km stretch of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat corridor, connecting Sahibabad and New Ashok Nagar. This ₹4,600 crore project marks Delhi’s first Namo Bharat connectivity, promising faster, safer, and more reliable travel between Delhi and Meerut, benefiting millions of commuters.
Additionally, PM Modi will unveil a 2.8-km section of Delhi Metro Phase-IV, linking Janakpuri and Krishna Park at a cost of ₹1,200 crore. This stretch, the first of Phase-IV, is set to improve transportation for West Delhi neighborhoods such as Krishna Park, Vikaspuri, and Janakpuri.
In another boost to Delhi’s transit infrastructure, the Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone for the 26.5-km Rithala-Kundli section of Delhi Metro Phase-IV, valued at ₹6,230 crore. Once completed, this corridor will connect Rithala in Delhi to Nathupur (Kundli) in Haryana, enhancing connectivity in North-West Delhi and Haryana, including key areas like Rohini, Bawana, Narela, and Kundli.
The day’s announcements also include the foundation stone laying for a new state-of-the-art building for the Central Ayurveda Research Institute (CARI) in Rohini. With an investment of ₹185 crore, the facility will feature advanced healthcare infrastructure, including administrative, outpatient, inpatient, and treatment blocks, ensuring comprehensive healthcare and research opportunities.
(Inputs from ANI)