Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Parivartan Yatra, originally scheduled for December 29 in Rohini, Delhi, has been rescheduled due to the seven-day national mourning announced to honour the legacy of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.
Dr. Singh, a distinguished economist and India’s 14th Prime Minister, passed away on Thursday night at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi at the age of 92. The mourning period will last until January 1, 2025, with several government events rescheduled as a mark of respect.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had planned to kickstart its campaign for the Delhi Assembly elections with the Prime Minister’s Rohini rally, which has now been rescheduled to January 5, 2025.
According to top sources within the party, the Prime Minister is expected to make significant announcements for the national capital during the rally.
Additionally, another major rally is scheduled for January 3, 2025.
As part of the original plan, PM Modi was set to lay the foundation stone for a new Metro line in Rithala and address a gathering at Japanese Park in Rohini on December 29. However, the new dates for the foundation stone-laying ceremony are yet to be confirmed.
The Election Commission of India has not yet announced the dates for the 70-member Delhi Assembly elections, although they are likely to be held in February next year, as the current Assembly’s term ends on February 23, 2025.