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03/08/23 | 3:01 pm

31.14 lakhs handicraft artisans registered under PEHCHAN Scheme benefitting 

As on 30.06.2023, 31.14 lakhs handicraft artisans have been registered under PEHCHAN scheme across the country to benefit of this programme. These registered artisans with Pehchan card can avail the benefits of the National Handicraft Development Programme (NHDP) and Comprehensive Handicrafts Cluster Development Scheme (CHCDS) of Ministry of Textiles. It can be done by participating in different marketing events, skill upgradation, training, design workshops etc. A total of 1.17 lakhs artisans benefitted through various schemes of the Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) during the year 2022-23.

What is the PEHCHAN Scheme?

PEHCHAN scheme was launched in 2016 to provide new identity to deserving handicraft artisans and help them avail benefits of various schemes implemented by the Ministry of Textiles. After due verification, Aadhar linked Pehchan Cards are issued  by field functionaries of Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles. Pehchan card holders, who have been registered as on 30.06.2023, can avail the benefits across the country. 

Financial benefits-

Following are the provisions provided to artisans under the Schemes:

-Skill & Training upgradation, design development workshops, tool kit distributions, marketing platforms, infrastructural support.
-Master artisans will be bestowed with Shilp Guru and National Awards.
-Individual benefits to artisans like Mudra loan, Interest Subvention and Margin Money on Mudra loan.
-Awardee artisans will get a monthly pension of Rs. 8,000 under indigent circumstances.

Details of the Benefits-

TA/ DA along with the wage compensation are also provided to the artisans for participation in the events. Under the component of Interest Subvention and Margin Money of Direct Benefit to Artisans scheme of NHDP, interest subsidy @ 6% on the loan amount maximum to Rs.1 lakh over a period of 3 years and margin money @ 20% of the loan amount maximum to Rs.20,000/- per artisan are also provided. Moreover, awardee artisans with annual income less than Rs. 1 lakh and with more than 60 years of age are given a monthly pension of Rs. 5,000.

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Last Updated: 26th Jul 2024