Feedback | Saturday, July 27, 2024

18/08/23 | 11:47 am

Chandrayaan’s exclusive findings to benefit entire world: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & Technology; MoS PMO, Dr Jitendra Singh said the exclusive findings and inputs from Chandrayaan-3 will benefit the entire world.

Speaking to the media after the Chandrayaan-3 mission achieved another historic feat when the “Vikram” lander module of the spacecraft, carrying the Pragyan rover, successfully detached itself from the propulsion module in its onward lunar journey, Dr Jitendra Singh noted that even though the USA and the then USSR had started their Space journey long before us and America also landed a human being on the surface of Moon in 1969, it was nevertheless our Chandrayaan that brought home the pictures of water on the surface of Moon and startled the entire world including the Americans.

Minister pointed out that India will be the fourth country in the world to to achieve this feat after the United States, Russia, and China, but India will be the only country in the world to land on the lunar South Pole.

Dr Singh told the media persons that Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-on mission of Chandrayaan-2 and is aimed to demonstrate India’s capability in soft landing and roving on the surface of the Moon or the lunar surface.

Giving full credit to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for providing an enabling environment for space workers and taking path-breaking decisions like unlocking the space sector for Public Private Partnership (PPP), Dr Jitendra said, “Based on the current trajectory of growth, India’s space sector could be a 1 trillion US Dollar economy in the coming years.” 

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Last Updated: 27th Jul 2024