Feedback | Monday, March 31, 2025

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New Zealand concerns mount as Cook Islands PM plans to sign agreement with China

Concerns are mounting in New Zealand as the Cook Islands’ Prime Minister travels to China this week to sign agreements without properly consulting with New Zealand, despite the two nations’ constitutional ties.

New Zealand has become increasingly concerned about China’s growing presence in the Pacific region and the threats it poses to the country’s national security.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said on Monday at a press conference New Zealand expected transparency and consultation with Cook Islands after its prime minister, Mark Brown, flagged he was heading to China seeking a partnership in national development including infrastructure, trade and the economy.

The Cook Islands is a self-governing country in free association with New Zealand which provides budget support and commits to defend the South Pacific nation whose people are New Zealand citizens.

“Under our constitutional arrangements, we expect, you know, in matters of defence and security to be transparently discussed between partners. That’s all we’re asking for here,” Luxon said.

He added that once New Zealand knew what was in the agreement, the government would decide how to respond.

New Zealand had made repeated requests to the Cook Islands to share or consult on the contents of agreements that Brown plans to sign with China but had not received a proper response, raising significant concern, deputy prime minister Winston Peter’s office said in a statement on Sunday.

“To those who suggest that our engagement with China is somehow secretive, I reject that completely,” Brown said in a video statement on Cook Islands Television News Facebook page on Friday.

“We have always conducted our international affairs with integrity and transparency. Every agreement we enter into will be in the best interest of the Cook Islands,” he said. He did not provide specifics of the agreement.

Cook Islanders have also questioned secrecy around the agreement. Tina Browne, leader of the opposition Democratic party told New Zealand based radio station 531pn that people were concerned about the lack of consultation firstly about the Cook Islands’ passportand not the agreement with China.

“If there is nothing to hide, why are we not consulting with New Zealand?” Browne said.

The Cook Islands lie halfway between New Zealand and Hawaii and are made up of 15 islands and atolls spread over 700 square miles (1.9 million square kilometres)

The country in 2021 had a population of 15,040.


The Cook Islands was within the New Zealand borders from 1901. In 1965, it became self governing but in free association with New Zealand. It is a realm country of New Zealand, along with Niue and Tokelau.

It has its own government and King Charles III is head of state.

Cook Islanders have New Zealand citizenship and passports. They have the same rights as a New Zealander such as the ability to work, go to school and use the medical system.

There is no Cook Islands passport or citizenship. Cook Island’s Prime Minister Mark Brown had mooted a Cook Islands passport and citizenship but backed down after New Zealand said Cook Islanders could not hold both and any change would need to be decided by referendum.

Around 94,000 Cook Islands Maori live in New Zealand and over 7,000 live in Australia.

Under the 2001 Joint Centenary Declaration, the Cook Island’s is able to interact with the international community as an independent state. Any action taken in New Zealand for the foreign affairs of the Cook Islands will be at their request.

However, both New Zealand and the Cook Islands undertook in the declaration to consult regularly on foreign affairs matters, cooperate in pursuit of common foreign relation objectives and advise each other when a proposed foreign policy initiative may affect the rights, obligations and interests of the other.

It also outlines that New Zealand will continue to assist with the defence of the Cook Islands if requested and that the two countries will consult regularly on defence and security agreements.

It does not qualify for United Nations membership. In 2023, the United States recognised the Cook Islands as a sovereign and independent state.


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Last Updated: 31st Mar 2025