A special court in Kolkata sentenced Sanjay Roy, the sole accused in the rape and murder of a woman doctor, to life imprisonment on Monday. Despite the sentence, Roy’s lawyer, Sejuti Chakraborty, announced intentions to appeal the verdict in the Calcutta High Court, a stance that contradicts the family’s earlier statements.
The case involves the brutal rape and murder of a doctor within the premises of R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital in August last year.
On January 18, Roy’s elder sister had publicly stated that the family would not challenge the court’s decision and would accept the punishment handed down to Roy. Following Roy’s conviction on Saturday, she offered an apology to the victim’s family and expressed trust in the justice system.
“We apologize to the victim’s family. The law has declared my brother guilty, and he will face the consequences. The administration will do what it deems right. Our personal desires hold no relevance,” she said at the time.
Roy’s mother remained unreachable on Monday, avoiding any contact by keeping the doors of their South Kolkata residence locked.
However, Chakraborty’s statement on Monday marked a departure from the family’s position. She emphasized the legal right of any convict to appeal and expressed her intention to challenge the lower court’s decision.
“We may take some time to act, but I firmly believe Sanjay is a victim in this case. We will move the higher court to secure his release,” Chakraborty said after the sentencing.
The conflicting narratives have raised questions about how the legal costs for the proposed appeal will be covered, given the family’s apparent reluctance to pursue further legal action.